Volunteers Needed for TAVES 2014

Volunteer-Hands-Large We Need Volunteers!

This Art exhibit will be a first for Brockton Collective and it’s Members. We know that this is a big show and we can’t do it alone. We will require assistance in putting up the art work and labels; during the days of the event we will require a presence and on Sunday we will need help taking it all down and out of the hotel. Because of this, we are asking you, our community, to lend us a helping hand.

If you can help out with Setup, Presence or Takedown please Let us know.
As a reward for volunteered time, volunteers will be given a badge that grants access to the entire show for the 3 days.

    Your Name:

    Your Email:

    Check any Dates you can Volunteer:

    Wednesday Oct. 29Thursday Oct. 30Friday Oct. 31Saturday Nov. 1Sunday Nov. 2

    How many hours per day can you volunteer?

    ©2025 Brockton Collective Inc. All Rights Reserved.


    We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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