Committee Application

To apply for a seat in one of our 2016 Core Committees, please complete the form below.

Please note, participation in these committees is voluntary and there is no monetary compensation. By applying to these committees, you are in no way guaranteed a seat in these committees and understand that the application is for invitational consideration. You may apply to more than one committee, but will be limited to participate in no more than three committees at a time. The maximum time you can participate in any one committee with out re-applying is one year. If you are invited to participate in these committees you are expected to behave in a professional manner and are expected to extend courtesy and respect to other committee members.

Please try to be as accurate as possible with your answers as these will help us plan committee meeting methods, times and frequency.

    Participation Intrest:

    What committee are you interested in participating?

    What type of seat would you like to have in this committee?

    Have you participated in a committee before?

    How long would you like to participate in this committee?

    What is the amount of times in a month that you can participate in this committee?

    Participation Preferences:

    Would you participate in this committee on weekends?

    What is the preferred time of the day to participate in this committee?

    What is your preferred method of conferencing in this committee?

    If you had an ideal day to participate in this committee, what day of the week would it be?

    If you had an ideal time to participate in this committee, what hour of the day would it be?

    Personal Information:

    First Name:

    Last Name:

    Your Telephone:

    Your Email:

    Your City:

    Resume: (optional)

    To ensure that this form is complete by a real person please answer the question below.
    What is the 8 letter name of this collective?

    ©2025 Brockton Collective Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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